WSO2 Complex Event Processor(WSO2 CEP) 3.1.0 Release Notes

11 April 2014

WSO2 CEP is a lightweight and easy-to-use Open Source Complex Event Processing Server (CEP) is available under the Apache Software License v2.0.WSO2 Complex Event Processor identifies the most meaningful events within the event cloud, analyzes their impacts, and acts on them in real time. Its built to be extremely high performing and massively scalable.

This is based on the revolutionary WSO2 Carbon platform, and is based on the OSGi framework to achieve the better modularity for your Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). This also contains a lots of new features and many other optional components to customize the behavior of the server. Further, if you do not want any of the built in features, you can uninstall those features without any trouble. In other words, CEP can be customized to your SOA needs.

WSO2 Complex Event Processor is shipped with Siddhi and supports plugable back end runtimes as features which can be installed via WSO2 Carbon Feature Management. Siddhi is a Complex Event processing Engine developed by WSO2 engineers to achieve very high performance and massive scalability

An open source product, WSO2 Complex Event Processor is available under the Apache Software License (v2.0). This includes all of the extra integration and management functionality as well.

The WIKI based documentation is available at

Key Features

New Features In This Release

Reporting Problems

Issues can be reported using the public JIRA available at

Contact us

WSO2 Complex Event Processor developers can be contacted via the mailing lists:
For Developers: [email protected]
For details on subscriptions see

Alternatively, questions can also be raised in the stackoverflow:


WSO2 Inc. offers a variety of professional Training Programs, including training on general Web services as well as WSO2 CEP, Siddhi, WSO2 BAM, Data Services and a number of other products. For additional support information please refer to


WSO2 Inc. offers a variety of development and production support programs, ranging from Web-based support up through normal business hours, to premium 24x7 phone support.

For additional support information please refer to

For more information on WSO2 Complex Event Processor, visit the WSO2 Oxygen Tank

Thank you for your interest in WSO2 Complex Event Processor

-The WSO2 Complex Event Processor Development Team